Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stats on the OU Sociology and Anthropology Facebook Page

Several interesting patterns to note for our departmental FB page.
  1. Growth has been slow and mostly steady.
  2. The gender break down is 60% women (similar to our majors?)
  3. Countries with fans are surprisingly wide ranging.
If the site continues to grow and see more usage we will have access to a wider variety of descriptive statistics. Any other observations?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Globalization, teh interwebs and birthday gifts

The design for the Belly Teddy Bear was copied from Reddit, the producer was found through Etsy, paid through PayPal, the act of giving was posted on YouTube and described through this blog and Facebook. Not one of these events was possible, and moreover, conceived until the last few years.

Networks of interaction and exchange have changed, and will continue to change. Where it will take us? My prediction: it will be good.